Viva La Olive
300 N Mead Suite #105
Wichita, KS 67202
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❄️ Snow Ice Cream β„οΈπŸ‰

Serves: 4-6


8 heaping cups of fresh snow
1 cup milk
1/3 cup powdered sugar
Watermelon Fruit Vinegar (to taste)


  1. This refreshing, cool treat is perfect for a winter day or a fun outdoor gathering! Here's the recipe for this unique and delicious snow dessert Gather the snow – Start by collecting about 8 heaping cups of fresh snow. If you're making this indoors, you can also use shaved ice or frozen crushed ice!
  2. Mix the base – In a large bowl, combine the snow with the milk and powdered sugar. Stir until it’s all evenly mixed then add watermelon fruit vinegar to taste, and stir well to mix the flavor throughout.
  3. Adjust consistency – If you're making this indoors and the mixture thins out, simply add more snow to get the desired texture.
  4. Serve and enjoy! – Scoop your snowy watermelon treat into bowls and enjoy this chilly, sweet delight! 🍽️ This simple, fun recipe is perfect for sharing during wintertime or just as a sweet, frosty snack. Keep in mind, the colder the environment, the better it holds its form – so it’s great for outdoor adventures!Enjoy! πŸ˜˜πŸ‘Œ

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